Apr 23 2012

Get Outside and READ!

Posted by Stella

Did you know that reading outside can actually help children’s developing eyes? Bright outdoor lights are better for helping children keep their vision in focus while reading compared to dim indoor lighting.

Exercising the mind is just as important as staying physically active. We already know the Springfree Trampoline has tremendous health benefits but it can also be a safe and comfy space for kids to read outdoors.

Encourage your kids to grab their favourite book and read outside on their trampoline. After all, today is World Book Day!

In honour of this day and to share our love of reading, we asked Springfree staff members to share their favourite childhood book:

Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. I think I liked it cause it was easy to memorize and read along to. It also makes my mom cry to this day.” – Brittany, stakeholder relations coordinator

“One of my favorite childhood books was Robert the Rose Horse. I love the action of the story and how you could dramatize it as it was being read.” – Joel, business analyst

“I remember reading Clifford a lot. My family always had a pet dog so I thought it was so cool a dog could be as big as Clifford. How could you not like a massive red dog?!” – Chad, logistics coordinator

“I love The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. It left a lasting impression on me as a child and taught me all about unconditional love.” – Stella, digital communications coordinator

“As a child I loved the Curious George series. I felt that I was able to relate to the monkey since I was very curious as a child.” – Tricia, marketing coordinator

“My favorite childhood book is definitely a toss-up between Love You Forever and Where the Wild Things Are. My mom would ALWAYS read me one of these two books, and sometimes both, before I went to bed. I have every intention of reading them to my kids as well.” – Julian, marketing intern

The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch. It’s about a resourceful little girl who outsmarts a dragon. I guess I liked that she was smart with a good sense of humour! Being a princess probably didn’t hurt either.” – Kat, communications manager

What books do you love to read to your kids?

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Blog From:http://www.springfreetrampoline.co.nz/blog/2825/get-outside-and-read/